Wilride Wilhin GTR Owner Group To Temerloh
Album 1:
Well cooperation to all Wilhin GTR Bikers for check in punctually and rolls together to Temerloh, Pahang!
Album 2:
Safely Arrive at the interesting point at Temerloh “Titik Tengah Semenanjung” For Group Photo and Visited Madrasah Darul Ulum Pondok Paya Siput. Beautiful & Meaningful moment with all lovely Bikers!
Album 3:
Yoohoo! Arrived in Hotel Seri Malaysia and Is time to fill up stomach with the famous dishes “Ikan Patin Tempoyak” and grab the Contest lucky items home! Congratulations to the Contest Winners! For those lovely bikers who had not won the items this round, let’s try again by joining us for the upcoming activities! Just keep track with Wilhin Motor! Thanks for your support and see you all again!